Running? 10 mistakes you shouldn't make! - Fitness

Running or running past yourself: 10 mistakes you shouldn't make

You want to run. We get it; you can actually run anytime, anywhere and you need almost nothing for it. Just put on your running shoes, put some music in your earplugs and go. But before you get off to a false start and literally and metaphorically pass yourself by, read these 10 common running mistakes. Forewarned is forearmed!

  1. Running too fast

OK, we get it: you're excited. And you'd like to go on the road like a mad bull and set a national time record straight away. But, calm down! Your body needs to get used to your new load, so it is advisable not to go at too fast a pace. But what is the right pace, we hear you think. Well: if you can still talk easily, but can no longer sing, you are (or run) well off.

  1. Running for too long

So not too fast, but not too long either. For the same reason as above: your body needs to get used to it. If you run too fast, too much and too long, you will overburden your body and do more harm than good. You have to recover longer, there is a big chance you will injure yourself and you will find it difficult to start the next time because you had so much trouble the last time.

  1. You don't throw away old shoes when you don't have new ones yet

But in this case it is! Please throw away those old shoes as soon as possible and buy new running shoes immediately! And preferably yesterday rather than today. Good shoes are crucial for running. With every step you take, your feet have to bear two to three times your body weight. You don't want to compensate for this with old, worn-out shoes. That's why you should choose running shoes that suit your feet and the way you run. Don't just buy the first pair, get advice from a good sports shop.

  1. Setting an unrealistic target

Stay realistic. Chasing impossible goals will only de-motivate you. Never run before? Then a goal to run a marathon in three months is not a good idea. Instead, set yourself the goal of being able to run 5 kilometres in 3 months.

  1. Do not warm up and cool down

Did you know that you can prevent many injuries by first warming up properly? A warming up speeds up your blood circulation, so that your muscles are better supplied with blood. Moreover, a warming up ensures that more oxygen and energy flows through your body. This results in less waste products in your body and, as an added bonus, less muscle pain!

And yes, you will indeed cool down as soon as you stop running. However, it is better not to skip a cooling down. By slowing down for the last kilometre, for instance, your heart rate and breathing will normalise and the metabolic processes in your muscles will slowly prepare for recovery.

  1. Do not do any strength training

You don't have to be a bodybuilder to run, but you do need strength to run well. So don't forget to train your leg, buttock and core muscles.

  1. Bad breath

Are you constantly gasping for air while running? Then you are simply running too fast. Slow down a bit and build up your condition first before going faster. If you are an advanced runner, it is worth looking into breathing schemes and finding out what suits you best. Until then, just stick to the rule of thumb above.

  1. Maintaining a poor basic running technique

There are countless theories and opinions about the right running technique. However, almost everyone agrees on the basic technique. Make sure you master it first when you start running. Once you have taught yourself the wrong technique, unlearning it is easier said than done.

  1. Not listening to your body

No pain, no gain. This really does not apply when it comes to running! Of course, some people have a higher pain threshold than others. But if you feel pain somewhere, then you are not a brave person who keeps on running, you are just not very smart. It is better to find out where the pain comes from, what causes it and how you can solve it. Yes, even if it means taking a break for a while. Ignoring the pain can lead to a serious injury.

  1. Throwing in the towel after skipping a training session

Or twice. Or ten times. A dip is part of it. The trick is not to see it as failure, the road to your goal is always full of ups and downs. So: just pick yourself up. Yes, it is a pity that you have not been running as you had planned for a while. But it is a real shame to throw away the results you have achieved so far. Because you are still in better shape than before you started and you will still be able to run easier, faster and further than before you started. So: put on your shoes again (the new ones yes), put some music in your earplugs and go!

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